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时间:2023-06-14 08:48:32 条据书信 来源:网友投稿





the ming tombs are located in changping district, about 50kilometers(31miles) to the northwest of beijing. this imperial cemetery covers an area of 40square kilometers with 13 ming emperors, 23 empresses, many imperial concubines, princes and princesses buried there. these tombs are the best preserved of all chinese imperial tombs.

the ming dynasty started from 1368 to 1644, lasting 276 years. altogether 16 emperors ruled in the ming dynasty. but out of the 16 emperors, 13 emperors were buried in beijing ming tombs area. the first ming emperor zhu yuanzhang had his tomb built in nanjing and he was buried in xiaoling of nanjing. zhu yuanzhang, the founder of the ming dynasty, was born in 1328 and died in 1398. he buled china for 31 years. he came from a poor peasant familuy. in 1345 both his parens and his brother died of serious natural calamity within half a year when he was 17 years old. in order to make his livelihood, he went to a temple, there he took tonsure and became a buddhist monk. he went out three years for begging alms in henan, anhui and south of the country. in 1348, he came back to the temple and was determined to study diligently. in 1351, the red turban peasant army appeared in china, later in 1352, he joined the red turban peasant army, fighting against the yuan court. finally he became the chief leader in the army. in 1368 zhu yuanzhang established the ming dynasty with its capital in nanjing, jiangsu province. in 1398, after his 31 years on the throne, zhu yuanzhang died at the age of 71 and was buried in his tomb xiaoling, eastern suburbs of the capital nanjing.

according to the chinese hereditary system, the eldest son should be the successor. but unfortunately, zhu yuanzhang’s eldest son zhu biao died in 1392, six years earlier than the emperor....



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