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时间:2023-04-29 16:13:04 思想汇报 来源:网友投稿




母亲节英文演讲稿 篇1

  Good morning all!

  A very warm welcome to you all. I hope you all are doing well and are veryexcited to celebrate mother’s day. We all are gathered here to dedicate this dayto the wonderful personality. I am glad to give a speech on this auspiciousday.

  We all have or had in our lives- ‘Mother’, ‘Mom’, ‘Maa’, ‘Amaa’, the wordsfor this most beautiful soul sound similar across most languages and evokesimilar connotations of love and warmth. She is like a god to her child. The godcannot be everywhere so he made the mothers to protect his all the children onthe earth. We all can identify her as a goddess of multitasking, we say a thingor just give it a thought and she does that from cooking to earning and frompampering to scolding us for our wrong things, she plays her part with utmostlove and affection.

  The mothers are the creator of our existence, she is the one who has madeus feel what exactly the life is, she made us alive and has produced virtueswithin us. Isn’t it?

  I think she is the strongest string who attaches the entire familytogether, she always motivates us and builds our strength and does everythingthat has can help us to face the world with dignity, confidence and power.Mother is the person who moulds and frames us, the one who build us bothphysically and mentally and empowers us to face the world.

  She is like a sunshine for her children and is always the first person whomwe can think of our good and bad situations. Mother is the first thought that weall have in our mind when we are not well, when we are sad, when we face thefailure in life or when we reach the greatest height of success.

  Somebody has said it very well that, 'Behind every successful man, there isa woman“. I appreciate this quote and have no second thought on this that womancan be none other than the ‘mother’.

  She is the one whose prayers are focused just on her child because it isonly the mo...



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