当前位置:范文120>讲话发言 > 2023年度英语辩论主持人英语开场白范本(1合集)【完整版】


时间:2023-05-09 10:03:11 讲话发言 来源:网友投稿




英语辩论主持人英语开场白范文 篇1

  Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentleman(or students),contestants and adjudicators(裁判).Today we are debating the topic (报一下辩论题目) On the affirmative side we have (报一下正方参赛者的顺序),and on the negative side we have (反方参赛者的顺序).

  Both teams have showed great debating ability in today's fierce competition. Let us now await for the adjudicator's scoring. I am sure it is going to be very close.And I think all contestants need to be congratulated for their outstanding efforts.

  The score is in, and the winner of today's debate is (报赢的一方)

  Than you all for coming.

英语辩论主持人英语开场白范文 篇2

  Hello everyone,

  I'm honored to be nominated the monitor for today's debating contest.

  The topic for our debate today is ......

  First please let me introduce the contestants of both sides.

  Those on the pros are , , , and .

  Those on the cons are , , , and .

  As everybody is ready now, here starts the debate.

  Now give us a fair and sportsmanlike debate.

英语辩论主持人英语开场白范文 篇3

  Welcome to the debating competition of the issue “the advantages s and disadvantages of QinghaiTibet railway”. We have 8debators today,4 on each side and the positive side is leaded by ,the rest debaters are , . And the members of the negative team are , is the leader of their team .ok ,good luck to they(.or hot welcome to them.)

  Next, I want to introduce today’s judges, they are our dear instructor mrsyan,and our classmates ,, ,, hot welcome to all of you .and thanks to all for joining today’s debating competition.

  Now, I would like to introduce the rules for the contest.

  The first is the time .each debater is allowed to exprein limited.

  The first is the time .each debater is allowed to exprein limited.




推荐访问:英语 开场白 合集 英语辩论主持人英语开场白范本(1合集) 英语辩论主持人英语开场白范文(精选15篇) 英语辩论赛主持人开场白

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