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时间:2023-04-13 11:26:15 工作计划 来源:网友投稿




英文工作证明 篇1


  (父母的工作证明也是下面的内容,根据自己的情况来改,主要说明收入的来源,数量,工作职责,等,注意一定要有抬头,抬头可以自己打印,彩色的最好,当然用单位现成的信纸也可以了,工作证明 英文。)


  ( 地址,电话,传真等)

  Certificate of Employment


  This is to certify that

  Mr. commenced to work with this company in August 1999 after having studied for four years in University. Mr. 's working experiences are as

  Period employer Position

  Mr. 's duty is to . 's income history in our company is as followed:

  Period Salary/Month Salary/Year Bonus/Year Annual Income


  *Personal income taxes have been deducted and the figures listed are net income after tax.

  We approve him of pursuing his proposed study in Australia. We will retain his position and continue to hire him after his coming back to China.

  I would be happy to answer further inquiries about Mr. 's employment with our company.

  Sincerely Yours


  General manager


英文工作证明 篇2

  Proof of work(

   in 200X years x months x month in my work unit, hereby certify that.

   computer city

  In two, x, x month x day

  Proof: , month day to Division I company, in the Division I Division , any post hereby certify! Company ( official seal ) month day

  Proof of work - I.

  Proof of work this is my unit ( Comrade) ( ID number: proof of in 200X years x months x month in my work unit, hereby certify that.

英文工作证明 篇3

  It is my unit ( Comrade) ( ID number: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ department, engaged in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ work has been _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ years, hereby certify that.

  Name of Institution: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



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