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时间:2023-05-05 03:41:25 读后感 来源:网友投稿




2022房屋租赁合同英文版 篇1

  本租赁合同由下述双方于 年 月 日于中华人民共和国北京市签订:

  This lease agreement, dated the [ ] day of ,20**, Signed in Beijing, People‘s Republic of China by the following parties.

  一、 出租人:

  Landlord:(hereinafter referred to as Party A)

  二、 承租人:

(hereinafter referred to as Party B)

  三、 承租区域:


  甲方为光华路SOHO【 】单元(以下简称'房屋“)合法拥有者,建筑面积为【 】平方米,甲方同意将房屋及内部设施在良好状态下租给乙方,只可作为办公用途。

  Party A hereby represents that it is the legal owner of the 【 】Apartment, guang hua lu SOHO (hereinafter 'the Premises“), which construction area is 【 】square meters, and agrees that it will lease the Premises and the facilities therein, which are in clean and tenantable condition to Party B for use as office(s) only.

  四、 租赁期

  Lease Term:

  4.1 租赁期为【 】年,自 年 月 日至 年 月 日。

  The term of this Lease Agreement shall be for a period of【 】 year(s) commencing from 【 】until 【 】。

  4.2 租期届满,甲方有权收回全部房屋,乙方应在租期届满日或之前,以甲方交付时状态或双方共同认可的状态将房屋完好交还甲方。

  Upon expiry of this lease, Party A has the right to take back the entire Premises , and Party B shall return the Premises on or prior to the date of expiry in the same condition as it is delivered or the other condition the parties agree to Party B by Party A .

  4.3 租期届满,乙方如要求续租,应在本合同期限届满前两个月提出书面申请,取得甲方同意后,甲、乙双方须另行签署租赁协议。

  If Party B wishes to renew the lease, party B shall submit a written application to Party A two months prior to the expiry of this lease, and a lease agreement shall be concluded between the parties separately subject to Party A‘s consent.

  五、 免租期(含装修期)

  Grace Period (including the...



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