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时间:2023-06-16 08:35:42 党建材料 来源:网友投稿





when we come to ningbo, what angle should we learn about it? how does itshow in front of people? we can conclude that there are four business cards inningbo. let"s first open the first business card, which is ningbo clothing. asthe saying goes, "the cloud wants clothes and the flowers want looks". chinesepeople use "clothing, food, housing and transportation" to summarize the mostbasic content of life, and clothing is at the top. han feizi said: "people haveno feathers, but if they don"t wear clothes, they will be cold". in modernsociety, clothing is not only used by human beings since the birth of china"sfirst clothing museum in ningbo in 1998, china has its own dragon robe, therehave been only two significant changes in clothing, one for the open andpractical hufu riding and shooting, and the other for the declaration ofzhongshan costume. in the past, except for their houses, people all relied onclothing to express themselves the superiority and inferiority of a personcompletely limits his personality, but the appearance of suits can reflect thehuman"s longing for a healthy body. after the "five people trading", ningbotailors, who went out to make a living, made suits for foreigners (known ashongmaoren at that time) with superb ancestral skills. therefore, "hongbangtailors" came into being, with a pair of scissors and a ruler, and went tozhongshan for the first time in china the first suit, the first suit shop, allcome from ningbo people in the 1990s, ningbo clothing entered its golden are more than 1600 enterprises in ningbo, and the annual clothingproductivity accounts for about 12% of the country. ningbo clothing industry isconsidered to be the most promising part of china"s clothing industry in thefuture to compete with china"s clothing industry after we live here, we"ll buyit as soon as possible, be...



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