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时间:2023-05-09 04:57:54 党建材料 来源:网友投稿




浅谈大学生人际关系论文 篇1

  摘要:大学学什么?除了知识外,最关键、最基本的是人的能力,大学生应该培养各种能力如:人际交往能力、创新思维能力、掌握信息能力、学习能力和自立能力等等。其中人际交往能力的培养尤为重要, 伟大的革命导师马克思曾经说过:人是各种社会关系的总和,每个人都不是孤立存在的,他必定存在于各种社会关系之中,如何理顺好这些关系、如何提高生活质量就涉及到了社交能力的问题。大学生进入学校的那一刻就已决定了其交往需要,良好的人际交往能力以及良好的人际关系是生存和发展的必要条件。在大学校园里建立良好的人际关系,形成一种团结友爱、朝气蓬勃的环境,将有利于大学生形成和发展健康的个性品质。在生活节奏不断加快,竞争激烈的当今社会更是如此。

  关键词 : 大学生 人际交往能力 人际关系

  Abstract :What is learnt in the university? Besides knowledge, the most key , most basic one is the peoples ability , university students should train various kinds of ability , for instance: People skills , innovation think Vernon strength , grasp information ability , learning ability and support oneself ability ,etc.. Among them the cultivation of people skills is particularly important, great teacher of the revolution Marx has ever said: People are the total of different social relationships, everybody does not exist in isolation, he must have the problem that in various kinds of social relationships , how to make these relations in order well , how to improve life quality involves social ability .It had already determined their contacts need that university students entered that time of the school, good people skills and good interpersonal relationships are essential conditions survived and developed. Establish good interpersonal relationships in the campus, form a kind of unity friendliness , vigorous environment, will help university students to form and develop healthy individual character quality . Accelerating constantly in the rhythm of life, with keen competition nowadays the society is even more like this.

  Keywords: University students Ability that associates Interpersonal relationships






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