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时间:2023-06-10 08:36:29 策划方案 来源:网友投稿





come on, please step on board one by one. hey, be careful! ok, let"s enjoythe beautiful scenery on both sides of the mountain while listening to myexplanation!

from guilin to yangshuo, 160 miles of lijiang river waterway, full ofpainting mountains and embroidering water, this is the masterpiece of lijiang river is green and green, and there are strange rocks and strangepeaks along the river. the peaks and peaks are all bony, but they are full ofstrange shapes and postures. in the thin mist, looming, far and near, pleaselook at both sides of the lijiang river, the color of bamboo makes the spring onboth sides of the river often, and its elegant shadow makes the lijiang rivermore cordial in people"s hearts.

more than 300 million years ago, it was still a vast ocean, where a hugelayer of limestone was deposited. later, the earth"s crust rose to land, and thelimestone was eroded and weathered by water, forming a straight and beautifulpeak forest and zigzag and deep caves. it is said that the beauty of guilin canbe summed up in eight words: green mountains, beautiful waters, beautiful rocksand strange caves.

let"s talk about the mountain first. there are so many things like elephantnose, momi mountain, douji mountain, luoshi mountain and so on. duxiu peak,located in the city, is known as "a pillar of the south sky". yuan mei, a poetof the qing dynasty, once wrote a poem praising her: "there is nothing in theway. suddenly, a peak is in the south. "look here. this is another scenery. it"scalled diecai mountain. the rocks here are cut layer upon layer. from adistance, they seem to be colored satins piled up, so they are named.

there are many strange stones in guilin"s mountains, such as the swordhandle stone in yueya mountain, the fishing stone in xiangbi mountain, the swordtest st...



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